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Pupil Premium

Pupil premium is a government initiative that targets extra money at pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds. Research shows that pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds underachieve compared to other pupils. At Hurst Hill we follow a three year 'Intended Spend Action Plan'. The impact of pupil premium funding is reviewed at least once annually and the plan is then updated with actions amended accordingly. 

The pupil premium is provided to enable these pupils to be supported to reach their potential. Pupil premium is allocated to pupils in year groups from Reception to Year 6 who are registered for Free School Meals (PP) or who have been registered for PP at any point in the last 6 years (known as Ever 6), together with children that are in care and those that have a parent serving in the Armed Forces.

When making decisions about using PP funding it is important to consider the context of the school, the home and the subsequent challenges faced. Common barriers for PP children can be less support at home, weak language and communication skills, lack of confidence, more frequent behaviour difficulties and attendance and lateness issues. There may also be complex family situations that prevent children from flourishing. The challenges are varied and there is no “one size fits all”.

Our key objective is using the Pupil Premium Grant to narrow the gap between PP children and other children.  As a school we have an improving track record of ensuring that pupils make good progress, but historically levels of attainment have been lower for PP (eligible for free school meals) – which is also a national trend. Through targeted intervention we are working to eliminate barriers to learning and progress. For children who start school with low attainment on entry, our aim is to ensure that they make accelerated progress in order to reach age-related expectations as they move through school.


Please click the link below to read and download our Pupil Premium Impact statements